Discover New Models of Gas Log Fireplaces
A designer and manufacturer of gas log fireplaces with over twenty-five years of experience would be expected to rest on previous laurels. It is easy to maintain the full line of models, continue to offer an industry-leading warranty, and accommodate customers at many physical locations as well as online. Instead, the company has developed advanced manufacturing technology and designed new models that are available now.
Luminar Ranges
The new line, Luminar ranges, joins five existing range collections known as Mystique, Matrix, and Millennium, among two others. This new line features remote controls, a two-speed fan, and a balanced vertical flue included. Ranges can be built-in or standalone models, and range in sizes from small to large with a heating capacity of over one-hundred square meters.
These gas log fireplaces are Australian-made and built to last. Fireboxes in all heaters come with a ten-year warranty that indicates the confidence the manufacturer has in the quality. Installation and all other components of the products are under warranty for one year after purchase. Spare parts and service calls for any repairs are also available.
The variety of styles, sizes, and configurations accommodates most budgets. Financing is available as well with zero-percent interest rates for up to twenty-four months. Customers can apply at any location or online for convenience. Those with approved credit will be notified as soon as possible. Payments are likely to fit into any budget because fireplaces are efficient and can reduce the cost of utilities depending on usage and habits.
Benefits of a Gas-Powered Fireplace
Gas log fireplaces are gaining in popularity due to their convenience, safety, and ease of use. Heat is instantly produced at the touch of a button. There are no newspapers to tear up, kindling to chop, or wood logs to gather or purchase. No one must wait for the materials to catch fire, and there is virtually no smoke while the fireplace is operating. A family member does not need to stay up and let the fire go down before dousing the embers, and no one is required to clean out the ashes in the morning.… Read More..