Dealing With Mosquitoes
If you’ve ever had to spend a long summer night sleeping outside in a heavily mosquito-infested area, you know how important it is to have some kind of mosquito protection in place. Mosquitoes staten island and other areas like Southern Oregon can be a serious nuisance to people who love the outdoors. Many a summer camping trip has been ruined by the scourge of blood-thirsty mosquitoes, which is why planning ahead is crucial if you are going to stay in an area with a lot of insects.

Getting Prepared
Preparation is essential to a fun summer camping trip, especially if the area you are going to has a lot of insects, especially mosquitoes. While spider bites can swell up and make life uncomfortable, mosquitoes bring with them a special feeling of life in purgatory. Mosquitoes love to bite tender flesh, and they can be relentless in their pursuit of human skin. All of this is why it’s crucial to bring reliable mosquito repellent along if you are going camping in an area that hosts these bugs. Not only will mosquitos bite your skin relentlessly, they will keep you up all night with their incessant buzzing. None of this is a recipe for a fun vacation, so be sure to bring along several bottles of repellent, and apply it liberally and often.
Another smart thing to bring on a trip to a mosquito laden area is a large bottle of Calomine lotion. This lotion adds a funny looking pink hue to the skin, but it does soothe the itching from mosquito bites until they heal up (which can take a few days).
So remember, camping out in nature is a wonderful thing to do, but don’t tempt fate! Bring along plenty of insect repellent and Calomine lotion, if you want to enjoy your trip!… Read More..