Tag: Problems

How to Spot Problems in Your Hydraulic System

How to Spot Problems in Your Hydraulic System

When it comes to your hydraulic system, the gear pump is an essential component. When it develops problems, you may end up with an entire system failure at your hands. While there are a lot of ways that you can keep your system clean and fit with the right maintenance, you also need to make sure that you have the right products.

The pump is by far the most expensive part of the system. When you have to replace it, you want to make sure that you get the best possible option to avoid some of these common issues. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it may be time for a new pump.

High Temperature

The seals can only handle certain fluid temperatures. If the fluid temperature becomes too high, it might lead to damage to the seals and degrade the fluid at a faster rate. The high temperatures can also separate components of the system and result in a lot of damage. In these cases, you may need to replace your gear pump. Higher quality gear pumps, such as the Liquiflo Mag Drive Gear Pump have fewer issues.

Unusual Noises

Normally, an abnormal noise is the first thing to alert someone to a problem with the system. In the case that your system is contaminated by air, you may hear loud banging or knocking. In addition, you may witness liquid foaming and erratic movement. All of this can lead to the eventual failure of the gear pump. Whenever you hear noises that you aren’t accustomed to, it’s time to check out your system.

Sluggish Performance

If your system’s performance drops suddenly, this is one of the best indicators that something is wrong. Now, this might mean that your system slows down to a slower than average operation or that it takes a longer cycle time. In this case, you may want to have your gear pump replaced or checked out for any problems. Often the issues are an internal or external leakage.

If you’re having trouble with your hydraulic system, you always want to check the pump to make sure that it is functioning properly. These warning signs can help alert you to issues with the system and pump itself.… Read More..