Yard Design That’s Fun

Yard Design That’s Fun

There’s a lot of advice about how to maximize your yard as a selling point for your house. This advice sometimes ignores the fact that your house, and by extension your yard, is where you live. Yards are supposed to be part of your home, not just an asset to maximize. Maybe you’re starting from scratch, maybe you’re working around an existing design, and maybe you’re trying to squeeze a lot into a small space. There’s no reason your outdoor spaces can’t be as fun as your indoor ones. Here are just a few simple ways to bring joy to your yard:

Fire Pit

Especially if you don’t have a fireplace in your home, a fire pit can be a fun addition to your yard. It is also a practical one: a fire pit provides warmth, light, and aesthetic enjoyment in the evenings, as long as you observe basic fire safety. There are all sorts of options, from traditional bowl-shaped fire pits to the more unusual metal sphere fire pit.

Dining Space

Make sure you have a place that gives you a reason to take your food outside. Mealtime is an important part of bonding with your family, and there’s no reason you can’t do it in the fresh air and sunshine. On nice days, there’s nothing better than having a picnic table where you can gather and enjoy a meal.  

Functional Garden

Speaking of food outside, if you have a green thumb, it’s worth making your garden more than just an aesthetic thing. There’s nothing quite like going outside to discover that you’ve got fresh tomatoes to add to your salad, or some lovely flowers to bring in and put in a vase.

In fact, any activities you do inside can frequently be moved outside, if you just make room for them there. Your yard is part of your home, you should remember to have fun in it.

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